Lent, Day 6

LOOK: Mark Newport (American, 1964–), Mend 9 (detail), 2016. Embroidery on muslin, 17 × 13 in.

Artist’s statement: “As I fold my son’s laundered clothes, the holes in the knees of his pants remind me of my childhood exploits, the falls that punctuated each adventure and the scars I carry from those accidents. My body and most often the knees of my pants would be repaired the same way: wash then patch (an iron-on patch for the pants and a Band-Aid for me). When things were more serious, stitches might be required for the body and the clothes would be discarded. Even then, darning and suturing leave a mark, a scar. Each pierces the substrate it is repairing, performing a modest violence upon what is to be mended, and reminding each of us of our sensitivity, vulnerability, and mortality.”

LISTEN: “Fix You Up” by the Wild Reeds, on The World We Built (2017)

Let my love fix you up when you’re coming undone
Let my love fix you up when you’re coming undone

Do you believe me when I say:
“My mind is a radio calling your name”
When you’re heavy with uncertainty
Tune in and I’ll sing you to sleep

’Cause the silver strings from my heart to yours
Send signals back and forth
And when we’re apart if you listen close
They play our favorite chord

Let my love fix you up when you’re coming undone
Let my love fix you up when you’re coming undone

Close your eyes, open your mind
I’ll meet you there outside of time
When you fall apart across the great divide
I’m a satellite, a telescope
I’m a pyramid, a secret door
I’m a mystery that’s pointed straight at you

. . .

This song is featured on the Art & Theology Lent Playlist on Spotify.

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